Author: Adam


Hi, I'm Adam, a 30-year-old expat currently living in the beautiful city of Bratislava, Slovakia. I've always had a passion for travel and discovering new cultures, which led me to move to Slovakia a few years ago. Living here has been an incredible experience, and I've fallen in love with the country's history, architecture, and stunning landscapes.

With December and the freezing weather, one of the most beautiful times of the year comes to our little big city. A peaceful atmosphere with slower…

One of the biggest restaurants in Bratislava which has its own bio farm as well. Slovak Pub is usually packed, as many students often visit it…

Christmas is a time of joy, togetherness, and cherished traditions celebrated across the globe. Each country has its unique customs and rituals that make the holiday…

Nestled on a picturesque hill overlooking the confluence of the Danube and Morava rivers, Devin Castle stands as a symbol of Slovakia’s rich history and architectural…